Easy At Home Teeth Whitening for Busy Moms!

Who wants pearly whites for Christmas this year?? I do! My dad was a dentist, so I have always taken good care of my teeth, but even with great brushing, flossing, and yearly dental visits, I can't keep my teeth super white! I think the culprits are red wine and coffee....oops. But a girl has to have some fun, right?!?!  Well, you can imagine my excitement when I had the opportunity to try out SMILE BRILLIANT - a custom-fitted teeth whitening kit. The results were amazing!

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As a busy mom of three, it's hard to find time to do things for myself! How many of you wish you could send emails telepathically while cooking dinner and helping your kids with their homework? Being able to multi-task is quite useful when you are a mom! So, I was thrilled when I found out that I could literally whiten my teeth while doing a million other things! LOL. And SMILE BRILLIANT makes the entire process so easy and pain free. An impression kit is sent to you in the mail with very simple instructions. After you send it back, you then receive your trays, along with whitening and desensitizing syringes. I whitened my teeth every day for two weeks - ranging from 45 mins to an hour each time. Sometimes, I wore them while I cooked dinner, other times right before bed while I caught up on my Netflix shows! I had minimal sensitivity because of the amazing desensitizing gel. SMILE BRILLIANT is great and it works! And guess, what? You have a chance to win your OWN teeth whitening kit - enter to win here. Also, receive $15 off any tray set by using code: styleconciergebyjennifer15 at check out! 

All blog photography by Monika de Myer Photography

Hair & Makeup by Bloom Morristown